Good Friday & Easter with Rockpoint on April 18-20: Learn More Click Here

Production & Tech Volunteers

Every Sunday, we work to create moments that help people encounter God and be moved to action!

Below are the open positions for Production, Tech, and Music with descriptions of the roles. If one of them is you, click the volunteer button. We'll reach out to you soon!

Service Director

Are you the one who is always prepared, sees the details on what's coming next, and efficiently plans your work and works your plan? 

Say “YES!” to using those highly refined Type-A skills that support our Worship and Production Teams.



Have you ever gotten the chills when it seems like the whole church is singing together? Excellence in production paves the way to experience God without the distractions of a poorly executed plan.

Say “YES!” to being a part of the team that creates worship experiences void of distractions and is honoring to God.


Camera Operator

If you either know or want to know what “The Rule of Thirds,” “Head Room,” or “Lead Room” means...being a camera operator is right up your alley.

Say “YES!” to capturing Sundays on the best equipment and for the purpose of publishing your awesome shots for people to view throughout the week.


Audio Engineer

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t just turn on a sound system and hope it works right. Audio Engineers work magic to make our ears hear sound the way it was meant to be!

Say “YES!” to learning a highly specialized trade that will undoubtedly improve people’s worship experience.



We're always looking for talented musicians who are ready to be a part of our shared mission!


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