I think we are all living on the edge right now. All of us are very aware of the turmoil that is in our world and nation. There is a sense of fear and anxiety due to global events and, in particular, the Middle East. We wonder how it all fits into God’s biblical timeframe regarding the coming of Jesus Christ.
As a nation, we had a terror attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Day, experienced a tumultuous election, watched in horror as a candidate and former president was shot, sensed and saw that crime is on the rise, watched as drugs and human trafficking ruin lives, worked longer and brought home less pay, and observed a country on the verge of moral bankruptcy. I could go on, but I think we all identify.
Perhaps, like me, you are grateful to put 2024 behind you and move into 2025. On a personal level, 2024 has been a tough year. Maybe you can relate. All of this causes us to wonder if the days in which we are living are the end times. Are these the signs Jesus told us to look for before His return? The short answer is yes, they are. Jesus warned us that there would be signs that act like “birth pangs” and they would grow with intensity (Matthew 24; Luke 21). I would encourage you to go check out the series I did recently called “While We Wait,” which is on our website. It answers many of these questions and more. We are living in the last days and have been for 2,000 years. It all begs the question, “If this is bad, how bad is the world going to get before the return of Christ?” Well, the Bible tells us it is going to get so bad that the time will be referred to as the “Great Tribulation.” In our modern-day lingo, “Hell on Earth.”
With all the chaos and turmoil in the world, we wonder if there is any meaning and purpose behind it all. This God-given quest to find meaning behind the chaos has caused many to fall into the trap of crazy, conspiracy theories or simply to give up and conclude it is all random.
Are those our only two options? Trying helplessly to find meaning in the midst of chaos or giving up and calling it all random? Thankfully, the Bible gives us another option—revelation.
We need a revelation from Jesus Christ today now more than ever, and that is exactly what He personally provides for us in our new study called Seven, which we began on Sunday. Jesus gives seven specific messages or revelations to His church to show us how to live because His return is near.
Because we are going to be spending several weeks in Revelation 1–3 and the focus of the book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1), I want to use the word REVEAL as an acrostic to help us remember the major ideas behind our series and the entire book of Revelation.
Revelation: God's Word Revealed
John the Apostle was given a message from the Lord Jesus to the churches and to us. As a faithful witness of the word of God and Jesus Christ, he was given this last revelation which has become the last book in our Bible.
Along with the revelation given to John, God gave a promise (Revelation 1:3). If you read, hear, and keep the words that are in this book, you will be blessed. God never wants to make us smarter sinners. We are pretty good at that on our own. His desire is to bring transformation. That happens when we learn the truth in His word and then do what it says. James put it this way, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:22). If you are willing to take to heart the message to each church, apply it, and walk accordingly, then you will be blessed with God’s transforming power to live and love like Jesus.
Expression: Jesus Christ is the Expression
John writes in verse 1, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ…”. Jesus is the central focus and person of the book. He is Lord of the church and has a specific message to each of the seven churches mentioned in chapters 2 and 3. While there are some good things and bad things mentioned, there is always a charge to overcome or live a life of obedience. After all, even with all its flaws, the church on earth is the body of Christ. As we live and love like Jesus, we are His revelation of Himself to our world.
Vision: John's Prophetic Vision
John the Apostle was the recipient of this incredible revelation. It is not only the last book of the Bible, but it was the last book written by any author of the Bible and toward the end of John’s life. He had been a faithful witness of Jesus Christ, and because Rome could not silence John even after trying to kill him, they placed him in exile on the island of Patmos. John had been persecuted and then left to die in exile as he slept on a rock. It was the Savior he loved and loved him, that revealed Himself to John in all His glory. Jesus knew exactly what John was experiencing on Patmos. He loved John and loves us when we are in the “Patmos” seasons of our lives. It is also during those difficult times of trial, that Jesus Christ shows up in some of His most revealing ways.
Eternal: Timeless Truths Shared
The messages to the churches back in the first century are the same messages for us today. These truths revealed are timeless. Jesus sees all and knows all. While the church today is not perfect, we are still God’s plan to share the saving message of Jesus Christ to our world. We will do well to read, hear, and keep what Jesus says to the churches.
Alpha and Omega: Jesus is the Beginning and the End
Jesus Christ is the star of the book, its main theme. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Even though Jesus is described with the metaphor of being the first and last letter in the alphabet, it doesn’t mean that He skips over all the “letters” in between. Those letters that describe the trials and suffering (and every other event) in life are no less concerning to Him. No matter what we go through—from our first breath until our last—He watches over us and walks with us through it all. The moment we surrender to Him, He accomplishes His plan and purpose and works it all for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
Lasting: God's Eternal Reign
Not only does the book of Revelation reveal seven messages to the church of Christ, but it also unveils Jesus and His eternal reign, forever and ever, Hallelujah! He wins no matter how bleak the world, our nation, and even our personal lives look. Even when we face evil itself and we are on the verge of losing hope, the Revelation of Jesus Christ reminds us of a day when evil is vanquished, Jesus sits on the throne, and He reigns in righteousness for eternity. The real question then for us today in the church of Jesus Christ is this: “Since He is coming soon, is He reigning on the throne of your life?”
May the Lord Jesus REVEAL His message to you as His witness over the next several weeks as we look at seven revelations to seven churches.