One of the most difficult, gut wrenching and destructive battles we face in our culture today is pornography. Because it is so pervasive and available to all regardless of age, the addiction and devastation rate is alarming for both males and females. Many of you are struggling with this area and I know there are parents who are now beginning to discover that their son or daughter has been investigating this drug and perhaps is now addicted. I want you to find hope and healing as well as answers from trusted resources.
As some of you are aware, my son, Austin Fruits, has been traveling around the world with Josh McDowell addressing this subject. Please take just a few moments to read the following blog posts he has written which are posted on Josh McDowell’s web site. Both are part of a series of blog articles designed to provide help and direction toward healing in this area. If you are not struggling with pornography, chances are you know someone who is. Go ahead and send the articles to them and let’s pray that healing will come. Look for more blog articles to come in the next few weeks from josh.org.
Recent Articles by Austin Fruits:
The Porn Epidemic: Problem, Consequence, and Hope
Click here.
Wounds, Shame, and Isolation: My Story
Click here.