God maps the way for you to be blessed, sincerely happy, joyful, fulfilled, satisfied! What a truly staggering possibility that a fundamental, not superficial, happiness is attainable if we rightly seek it.
A Christian is like a tree planted by Jesus into a nourishment outside of ourselves. We may not always bear fruit as the seasons of life blow against us, but we need not wither, because the source of our life is rooted deep in the nourishing, life giving soil of God’s word. When life takes you through seasons that are parched, brutal, and life-sucking – sink your faith deeper into the sustenance of the Bible.
Matt 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” When we finally surrender to Him as our King, He then is our heavenly Father who desires for us to delight in Him.
How do we delight in Him and find true happiness? By delighting in His Word. The written Word reveals the Living Word.
Read scripture and mine its depths, asking:
Is there a promise to Claim?
Is there a command to obey?
Is there a sin to confess or forsake?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an attitude to adopt?
Is there a blessing to enjoy?
Is there a prayer to repeat?
You know you need true, lasting, eternal joy….the Lord invites you to come and get it!