Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work
Timothy Keller
This work presents a biblical theology of work, focusing on a biblical perspective of stewardship and flourishing. It answers key questions related to our desire to work, the difficulties and frustrations of work, and finding satisfaction in our work. The authors also discuss the dignity of partnering with God in creating culture and serving people through every good work, encouraging the reader with the impact of Christian theism on the created order and the lasting value of human work. The book includes an epilogue which demonstrates how a theology of work has impacted the ministry of Redeemer Church.
Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work
Tom Nelson | madetoflourish.org
Nelson guides the reader in rethinking work through a biblical worldview, focusing on the Scripture’s treatment of work and examining how God shapes people’s lives in and through the workplace. In this book, readers learn not only from the lives of biblical characters, but 21st century Christians working in a variety of contexts—from higher education and business, to medicine and the home—who demonstrate the difference a biblical view of work makes in one’s life and vocation. Reflection questions and prayers are included at the end of each chapter.
Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good
Amy Sherman
Sherman’s work helps pastors, ministry leaders and every believer integrate the concepts of faith and work while advancing kingdom purposes through their vocations, including a true stories of vocational stewardship in action. Focusing primarily on professional, entrepreneurial, and creative occupations, she challenges churches to deploy individuals as missional agents in their workplaces, blessing anyone within one’s sphere of influence with one’s God-given gifts.
Business for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Marketplace
Kenman Wong and Scott Rae
Wong and Rae present a Christian perspective on work, focusing on the concept of business as a transformational service for the common good. Incorporating a variety of real-world stories, the authors explain how Christian values can inform functional areas of business such as management, marketing and environmental sustainability. They also suggest areas where business should be affirmed as well as reformed, including practical ways to engage the corporate culture and live out biblical values in the business world.
The Gospel at Work: How the Gospel Gives New Purpose and Meaning To Our Jobs
Sebastian Traeger and Greg Gilbert
Both of these mindsets – idleness in work and idolatry of work — are deadly misunderstandings of how God intends for us to think about our jobs. In The Gospel at Work, Sebastian Traeger and Greg Gilbert unpack the powerful way in which the gospel can transform our work and bring meaning and purpose to it. They answer some of the tough, practical questions that Christians in the workplace often ask, like: What factors should matter most in choosing a job? How should I think about how to treat my boss, my co-workers, and my employees? Is full-time Christian work more valuable than my job? Is it ok to be motivated by money? How do you prioritize – or balance – work, family and church responsibilities? Solidly grounded in the gospel, The Gospel at Work confronts both our idleness at work and our idolatry of work with a challenge of its own – to remember that who we work for is infinitely more important than what we do.
Your Work Matters To God
Doug Sherman and Bill Hendricks
Out of print, but still available from used outlets
Your Work Matters to God demonstrates just how important secular work is to God. Whether you are a man or woman, once you realize how many different ways there are to influence your coworkers for Christ without preaching a word, you’ll be challenged to develop a lifestyle so striking and true, the people you work with will be eager to let you talk about what makes you different.
Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work
Timothy Keller and Kathryn Alsdorf
With deep conviction and often surprising advice, Keller shows readers that biblical wisdom is immensely relevant to our questions about work today. In fact, the Christian view of work—that we work to serve others, not ourselves—can provide the foundation of a thriving professional and balanced personal life. Keller shows how excellence, integrity, discipline, creativity, and passion in the workplace can help others and even be considered acts of worship—not just of self-interest.
Going Public With Your Faith: Becoming a Spiritual Influence at Work
William Peel and Walt Larimore
How to take evangelism out of the religious box and weave it into your life at work In every part of the world, people are looking for spiritual answers and resources as never before. But you don’t need to travel to some exotic foreign mission field to find hungry hearts. You spend hours every day in the most strategic place of impact in the world—your workplace.
Joy at Work: A CEO’s Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job
Dennis Bakke
Imagine a company where people love coming to work and are highly productive on a daily basis. Imagine a company whose top executives, in a quest to create the most "fun" workplace ever, obliterate labor-management divisions and push decision-making responsibility down to the plant floor. Could such a company compete in today's bottom-line corporate world? Could it even turn a profit? Well, imagine no more.
Workplace Discipleship 101: A Primer
David Gill
Workplace Discipleship 101 contains encouragement and practical advice for Christians who are serious about living out their faith in their daily work lives. This book is packed with simple, practical suggestions organized in an intuitive format with straightforward language.
The Person Called YOU: Why You're Here, Why You Matter & What You Should Do With Your Life
Bill Hendricks
For over twenty years, Bill Hendricks has been helping people of all ages and stages find meaning and direction for their work and for their lives. The key is harnessing the power of human giftedness. Every person has their own unique giftedness—including you! And the best way to discover it is not through a test or gift assessment exercise, but from your own life story.
So How Do I Parent THIS Child?: Discovering the Wisdom and the Wonder of Who Your Child Was Meant to Be
Bill Hendricks
One of the most common myths in parenting books - you see it everywhere - is that parents are responsible for who their children turn out to be. Proper input yields proper output, or so the thinking goes. But that mindset works with machinery, not people. The truth is, your child has a unique set of traits - their giftedness - that only they possess. The parent’s job isn’t to crank out a product, but to point an individual human being toward a healthy, flourishing life.
Men of Influence: The Transformational Impact of Godly Mentors
Bill Hendricks and Howard Hendricks
Men have a way of rubbing off on one another—for better or worse. You will be influenced and you will influence, especially when you have regular one-on-one interactions with another man. Be intentional and become the man God made you to be, while learning to change other men’s lives for the better.
The Light That Never Dies: A Story of Hope in the Shadows of Grief
William Hendricks
In the prime of his life, William Hendricks lost his wife to breast cancer. Yet he could say, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." In a warm, gentle style, Bill shares God's goodness and how it manifests itself in a variety of ways, including deeply personal pain.