Good Friday & Easter with Rockpoint on April 18-20: Learn More Click Here


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What is OneLife?

Our OneLife initiative seeks to inspire, equip, and mobilize every believer at Rockpoint to a lifestyle of effective spiritual influence. The process is called 3D1. The '1' represents the person in our life (our OneLife) who may not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus, and whom we want to reach for Christ. The 3 'D’s' stand for three life skills we learn to practice with this person: Develop a friendship, Discover their story, and Discern the next steps to share the Gospel with them.

Develop Friendships

Discover Stories

Discern Next Steps

“One life sharing with OneLife, about the One life, Jesus.”

Mobilizing our church to live a life of effective spiritual influence.

Our Churchwide Commitment

600 OneLifes

That's 600 people we're pursuing to have a relationship with Jesus!

For 1 minute at 1pm, pray for your OneLife.

Text GO to (855) 770-0967 to receive a weekly prayer reminder text.

Text GO to (855) 770-0967 to receive a weekly prayer reminder for your OneLife
GO Stories

One of the best ways to encourage each other in sharing our faith is by sharing how our OneLife journey is going and the unique ways God is working through each of us.

Tell us your story

Watch our series on OneLife

God’s Word guides us on how to live out OneLife. Watch or rewatch our 6-week series on this topic.

OneLife Resources 

the complete book of questions
By garry poole

1001 conversation starters for any occasion.


looking for the one 
by david mciver

Stories of seeing the lost, and broken through the eyes of Jesus. 


Know Why You Believe
by paul E. Little

After 2,000 years, no question is going to bring Christianity crashing.


The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask
by Mark Mittleberg

Based on an exclusive new Barna survey of 1,000 Christians, The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Askpresents compelling, easy-to-grasp answers to ten of the most troubling questions facing Christians today.


Evangelism in the workplace
By ashok nachnani

Invest in friendships with non-Christians in your workplace, not perfunctorily as “projects,” but lovingly as those made in God’s image. Don’t underestimate the importance of trust. 


Are you tolerant?
By Impact 360 Institute

How tolerant are you? Watch the video and take the quiz. 


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