Good Friday & Easter with Rockpoint on April 18-20: Learn More Click Here

Easter with Rockpoint!

The resurrection of Jesus changes everything! It’s the event that changed history forever—and continues to change lives for eternity—because the Son of God rose from the dead. Easter is the best part of the story! Join us as we celebrate and praise God for the life and hope found in Jesus!

Join us for Easter services on Saturday, April 19, and Sunday, April 20. All services will feature the same worship experience, with kids' programming available at select times—learn more!

Easter Service Times

Good Friday Service Times
Good friday family event Get Directions rockpoint

Good Friday | April 18

service times: 5:30pm (+nursery) & 7PM (+online)

Our Good Friday service will prepare our hearts for Easter as we experience Christ in the Passover: A Presentation by Jews for Jesus — a powerful demonstration of the connection between the Passover meal and the Last Supper. Through this special seder presentation, we’ll explore the rich symbolism of this Jewish tradition and how it points to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection—deepening our understanding of His sacrifice. The service will also include prayer and worship as we reflect on Good Friday.


Our 7pm service will be available both in person and streamed live for those wanting to join us online!

Journey Through Holy Week | April 18



Families, register to attend the 3pm event time or 5:30pm event time. 

Experience the sights and sounds of Jesus' final days–interactive stations, costumed actors, and hands-on activities bring Holy Week to life for your family. This event will be held in our lower level on Good Friday, providing a meaningful Good Friday experience designed for families with kids!

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