Good Friday & Easter with Rockpoint on April 18-20: Learn More Click Here

ABC Sunday Classes


We offer several classes covering a variety of topics that are designed to positively affect your daily life and walk with God. You may drop-in on any given Sunday or let us know you're coming by registering to attend!

Winter/Spring 2025 classes will begin in January. Full class descriptions and registrations are available below.  

Classes Offered - Winter/Spring 2025 


Sundays | jan 12 - apr 27 | 9am | meeting room #3 

Taught by: kevin Block| joel Stai

Do you want to be a Christian without being religious? GOOD! That’s what Jesus wants. Do you want to learn how Biblical truths can help you deal with personal & relational issues? GREAT! That’s what our Father wants. Do you want to experience Jesus’ life in your daily life? PERFECT! That’s what the Spirit wants to do in us as we weekly study and discuss sections through the all-important letter of Galatians. Galatians answers these questions: 
*What does it mean to be a true Christian (not just religious)? 
*How can you be 100% sure you have eternal life? 
*What’s the purpose of the Law in believers today?  
*How do you live a Spirit-filled life? 
*How do you overcome sinning? 



sundays | jan 19 - apr 6 | 9am | MEETING ROOM #1

Taught by: linda blesener

This class will explore the radical truth of what the Bible says about heaven and the afterlife, and its relevance for your life today. As a result of participating in this class, you will be more confident in your ability to identify and deal with biblical texts on heaven.  You will mature in your walk with God as you cultivate your thoughts and anticipation of heaven.  You will be better prepared to face trials as you grasp the reality that has always brought hope, sanity and joy to God’s people in adversity...that soon we will be where all tears are wiped away, all hurts are healed, all justice is done, and we will at last be free from sin, temptation, death and suffering. Come join us as we use Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven” in this journey of learning to live here and now on earth in light of the reality and glory of our future in heaven.



sundays | jan 5 - may 4 | 10:30am | ROOM #3

Taught by: Brian Schrader | annette bakke

This class will be an in-depth and practical study of history and prophecy as revealed to us through the Book of Daniel.  We will learn from Daniel’s experience as a captive and as a governmental official. From Daniel’s character and through special messages from God, we see what it means to live out our faith no matter the circumstances. We pray that this class will encourage you to live like Daniel in our current culture. 



sundays | jan 19 - APr 27 | 9:00am | meeting room #2

Taught by: Jan wilke 

This class is a continuation from Fall 2024.
If accepting Christ and His Gospel is adequate for salvation, what value comes from better understanding  the Old Testament?  It is said that “The New Testament is in the Old Testament contained, and the Old Testament is in the New Testament explained.” This truth is exemplified by the Book of Hebrews. The author’s theme is Jesus’ supremacy over even the Old Covenant system which God had given to His chosen people. Every chapter of Hebrews connects an OT foreshadowing to God’s ultimate provision of His Son. Join us to read through & discuss together these thirteen chapters.  We will grow in ”knowing God more clearly, loving Him more dearly and (thus) following Him more nearly.”


sundays | 10:30am | conference room (main office)

Supporting people of all abilities to understand and apply the day’s message as they share life together. Everyone wants to feel included, and that includes being part of the church. Rockpoint’s Accessibility for All Ministry supports those with special needs who may need a little extra support to find hope, dignity, purpose and belonging in the body of Christ through healthy loving relationships. From having a buddy in Sunday School to serving to doing life together in a life group, our mission is accessibility to the gospel for people of all abilities, and experiencing belonging in our church family. “Now you are the body of Christ and each of you is a part of it.”  1 Corinthians 12:27 


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