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Simon & Elaine Hearne

EFCA ReachGlobal

    Simon & Elaine Hearne have been familiar faces at Rockpoint for many years, serving in the prayer ministry, women’s ministry, teaching adult classes and serving on the Elder Board. However, a ReachGlobal mission trip to Vietnam in 2019 changed all this as God revealed a burden on their hearts to serve “the least of these” – orphans & vulnerable children.

    Did you know that:
    • 36% of the 385 million children living in extreme poverty are in South Asian countries
    • Over half of the world’s malnourished children live in Asia
    • 66% of the victims of the $ 150 billion human trafficking business are from Asian countries

    Having witnessed this firsthand in Vietnam, Simon & Elaine have been called to serve God’s children in Asia by becoming full-time ReachGlobal missionaries, leading the GlobalFingerprints program throughout Asia.

    The GlobalFingerprints ministry is part of the ReachGlobal strategy to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches amongst all people. This child-sponsorship program partners with local churches in Asia to identify and connect with poor & vulnerable children in their local communities. They develop a specific care program to meet each child’s most criticalneeds and then partner with US based churches & individual sponsors to fund this care. The local churches then assign care-workers to each child who provide the continuity of care & support that is vital for a sustained transformation in the child’s life. As these children (and their families) experience the love of Jesus through this program and grow in their relationship with the local church, many of them come to a saving faith in Christ.

    Simon & Elaine describe their calling to this ministry in the following way:

    All these children have been born in His image and our vision is to glorify God by enabling these children to live with dignity and to be given the opportunity to fulfill their God given purpose in life. 

    Goals for 2021-2022
    1. To develop a network of individuals and churches in the US that share our passion for caring for God’s vulnerable children in Asia.
    2. To come alongside the existing GlobalFingerprints missionaries in Asia and their church partners to provide the support needed to sustain this program amid often increasing persecution.
    3. To partner with new churches in unreached regions of Asia where the GlobalFingerprints ministry can transform the lives of vulnerable children and reach more families for Christ.
     Prayer requests:
    • As we transition into full-time ministry, we ask for clear direction in our new role and protection for our family here in the US.
    • We pray for great relationships and clear communication with the ministry workers in Asia.
    • We ask for God to protect the GlobalFingerprints program managers in Asia and to lead them to the most vulnerable children in their community.
    • We ask God to lead the program’s care-workers in sharing the gospel message as they meet with vulnerable children and their families.


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