Keith & Shannon Klingen

Young Life Military

    We moved to JBER in 2016 to begin a ministry to military teens. Shannon grew up as a military teen, involved with Young Life military as a middle school student. Keith grew up outside of NYC, and coming to Young Life after working as a decade in the local church with adolescents. We are incredibly passionate about the need for caring adults to step into the world of teens, and consider it an honor and privilege to be able to serve in this capacity. It’s a joy to bring our two young girls, Brooklyn and Makenna, with us and watch as their love for military teens continues to grow as well. Alaska is an incredible place to live and do ministry – our house is always open for guests, so come visit!


    We were able to separate our weekly program into age specific ministries. We are able to have weekly programs for middle and high school students that allow us to do our best work. Our volunteer team continues to grow at a steady rate. It is so exciting to bring new caring adults to the team and help equip and empower them to build relationships with adolescents so that we may earn the right to share the Gospel with them.

    We’re excited about the ways in which we’ve been able to be a part of the Regional Leadership Team that oversees and supervises Young Life Ministry across Alaska (civilian and military). We taken part in developing new ministry in communities that have not had Young Life and have assisted in training and developing staff.


    An incredible ministry opportunity to disciple our young adult volunteers. A majority of our volunteers are young, single, active duty military members. They join our team and provide us the opportunity to equip and disciple them. Our goal is to develop this into a formal ministry where we are able to connect them with small groups for more effective community building and discipleship.

    Ministry growth continues, and we see opportunity for more that we could step into. As we dream about what’s next, where to go, and how to respond accordingly to the opportunities, we would like to grow our staff at JBER.

    Along with increased opportunities, comes the burden of operating below full capacity of our financial support raised – personally and as a ministry. We have been so grateful for the ways in which the Lord has grown our team and continue to focus on this.. We hope and pray that by year end we will have a fully supported personal and ministry budget so that ministry can continue on at JBER for years to come.


    Every year, we experience on average a 33% turnover in the community. Please pray as military families are consistently transient that we would be able to be a stable presence for their teens. Pray that we are able to make impact on the lives of students as they come to and leave JBER. Pray for us personally that we are able to develop and maintain a consistent community of friends. Pray that we are able to expand our financial support team to be able to reach more military teens so that we can be fully funded. Pray that our staff would grow at a sustainable rate to reach more military teens. Please pray for our volunteers – that their heart for young people might continue to grow, and that they would continue to see the Lord in a personal way through their ministry and that they stay safe, and stay focused on Jesus while serving our country.


    Club Beyond is a Non-Federal Entity, it is not a part of the Department of Defense (DoD) or any of it components and it has no governmental status.

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