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Brent Voight

FCA East Metro

I am not a believer in coincidence or fate, so when a number of “God-incidences” led me to FCA in 2017, I answered “Here I am, Lord!” I believe with all my heart God used the first 17 years of my career in donor development to prepare me for this ministry, at this time, in this place. It’s always been on my heart to serve youth and as an avid sports fan, coach and official, those interests and abilities come together in a wonderful way with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. FCA’s mission is to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches & athletes.

The youth sports culture is broken in many ways, with coaches and athletes focused on wins, trophies and accolades--all of which do not last. But coaches are among the most powerful leaders in the world, and athletes are among the most influential. What if we could change the culture from creating selfish athletes and coaches and train coaches to use their influence to raise up heroes and world-changers? FCA is doing just that!

Heather & I have lived in the east metro for 21 years, and came to Rockpoint in 2015.


Raise up a team of staff and key volunteer leaders to be discipling future disciplemakers in coaches and athletes at all levels and organizations. The next three years our goal is to hire six additional field staff, recruit a dozen volunteer Character Coaches, be intentionally discipling 36 future disciplemaking coaches, and hosting 24 athlete and/or coach huddles throughout the east metro.


Rockpoint families and Life Groups can pray for the coaches and student leaders who are committed to FCA’s vision on their campus and with their teams. Pray for them to be strong, hold to their convictions, and be willing to face the challenge that living for Christ can be in the school and sport culture.

Please be praying for the coaches and athletes who aren’t yet connected, but could or will be in the coming year. Pray for warm, moldable hearts, and open doors to teach, to coach and play for significance, not self.

Lastly, pray for our schools. The challenges of education--both public & private--continue to grow each year. Too many of us parents are outsourcing not just the education of our children in the primary school subjects, but also virtue, morality and values. While there are many excellent, godly teachers and administrators, the system fights against them. This is the most common prayer request I get from the coaches and administrators I work with.

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