Dale & Becky Burke
Dale Burke has been a senior pastor for 38 years, pastoring churches of all sizes from a church-plant in Ohio to a megachurch in California. After writing the book, “How to Lead and Still Have a Life”, he began training leaders in Biblical principles of leadership and life management. In 2011, he launched a non-profit ministry for helping pastors experience “more fruit with more joy” - www.leverageleadership.org and began teaching leadership as an Adjunct Faculty for Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in their doctoral program.
After adapting his book into a curriculum for Africa, Dale and Becky began training in Rwanda, Tanzania and Congo. In June 2016, Dale resigned as senior pastor, while continuing to preach part-time for their church, so that he and Becky could become missionaries with EFCA ReachGlobal.
Becky Burke has served alongside Dale as a pastor’s wife, teacher of women, and role model for women in ministry as she faithfully served in the church and balanced the demands of raising their children to love Christ and His Church. The Burkes have three married children and seven adorable grandkids. In 2013, while traveling to Africa, she discovered the desperate need of pastor’s wives to receive training in God’s Truth for healthy marriages and families in the pressures of ministry. She loves traveling, teaching and encouraging pastor’s wives throughout the USA and Africa.
Dale and Becky launched their new venture as ReachGlobal missionaries with a focus on training pastors and their wives in Africa. In October, they led a team and conducted training for 346 pastors and spouses in three cities of Tanzania - Mwanza, Tanga and Dar es Salaam. Many of these pastors are key leaders in various denominations with great potential for multiplying this training into their networks of churches. Alumni of Dale’s training are training and mentoring other pastors in Rwanda, Tanzania, and D.R. Congo.
Dale also had opportunity to train the leaders of a new church-planting organization, Zim Zam Global. They are using his book and curriculum to equip African pastors who are planting churches throughout Kenya. They have trained 641 pastors who are in process of planting 425 new indigenous churches. They also partnered with DTS, reaching out to Alumni across the Western USA with counsel and encouragement.
UPCOMING MINISTRY GOALS: 2018 will be busy as Dale and Becky return to Africa to train over 300 in Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya. Exciting News: Two new partners in Kenya, who lead movements of pastors across denominational lines, have requested leadership training for their “trainers of trainers.” Together they represent a network of over 5,000 pastors!
Beyond Africa, Dale and Becky will be speaking at a bi-annual conference for a mission with workers serving throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East; and he will teach an extra doctoral class for DTS in Israel for local pastors.
The Burkes will continue to offer training, consulting, and counsel to pastors and churches in the Western US, offering training in Phoenix, Denver and Southern CA. Their work with US churches provides another opportunity to spread the vision for Africa while helping churches reach their own communities.