Joseph Kitonga Mulwa
I gave my life to Jesus Christ on 8/9/98, while living in Kibera slum, the biggest slum on the face of the earth. It all looked good to me from 1994 to 1996 when I felt life was meaningless without money and having been born and raised in a very poor family, an idea through my friend came to me of becoming a gangster. After organizing the first unsuccessful mission, we went ahead and organized another one, but before executing it, I met a lady and she preached to me and I was touched....that was on August 4, 1998, after which I promised to attend her church the following Sunday. August 9, 1998, I visited the church, and that’s the day my life took a new turn when I was prayed for to receive God’s Grace of salvation.
In December 1998, while in our village for Christmas, I saw a vision. In the vision I saw myself preaching to numberless children. I was very young in spiritual matters so I never knew really what the vision was all about. Coming back to Nairobi after Christmas holidays, I initiated a youth ministry in Kibera called KIBERA INTERDENOMINAL YOUTH PROGRAM which was aimed at empowering young people spiritually. We used to do joint revival meetings, joint crusades, joint overnight prayer meetings....this grew to a big ministry which touched all parts of Kibera, and many young people were so empowered spiritually. Today many of them are doing very well in ministries. While doing this ministry, I felt like that was what I was born and called to. Little did I know that God was only preparing me for a big thing.
In 2003, God called me into full-time ministry for children. Since I had lived in Kibera all my life, I started my ministry in Kibera by feeding the less fortunate children, teaching them the word of God, and helping those who had completed grade 8 and couldn’t make it to high school and I could take them to vocational training. A few years later, God put in my heart to bring together all children workers in Kibera and work together as a team under the umbrella of BETTER CARE INVESTMENT AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM.
While doing the children’s ministry, I realized there was also an economic problem. The Lord laid on my heart the burden of starting an ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM aimed at helping the community to help themselves. Mothers of the children we worked with lacked financial empowerment, so BETTERCARE INVESTMENT EMPOWER- MENT PROGRAM (B.C.I.E.P) initiated an Economic Empowerment Program locally known as (Micro Finance).
We have many children workers who need to be trained, but because of resource limitation we’re unable to do so....pray that the lord will provide for us to reach them. Pray for our small traders that they will expand and grow their business. By God”s grace we have bought 8.5 acres of land where we want to build the training center and the school, pray the lord provides the funds to fence the land, dig borehole and build. Pray God to provide so we can support our volunteers.